⇝Principal Investigator (PI) of the research project on 'Education policy recommendations for Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh: Supporting sustainable refugee return and reintegration through education and skills building' funded by Danish Refugee Council for the period of 2019-2020
⇝Principal Investigator of the research project on Explaining Differences in Citizen Attitudes Toward Climate Finance for Reducing Vulnerability in Bangladesh, funded by World Bank (Washington Office) for the period of 2019-2020
⇝Project Coordinator of research and advocacy project on The Rohingya Crisis: A Roadmap for Sustainable Solutions, funded by UNHCR for the period of 2019
⇝Team Leader of the Bangladesh chapter of the research project titled State of Democracy in South Asia, funded by CSDS, Delhi for the period of 2019-2020
⇝Principal Investigator (PI) of the research project on Climate Change Induced Migration in Bangladesh jointly conducted by the American University, Washington and NSU in 2017
⇝Country coordinator of the research project (2015-17) on Public Sector Human Resource Management in SAARC Countries funded by NORAD
⇝Team leader of cross country survey (2014-2017) on governance and trust in three South Asian countries: Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal
⇝A consultancy report on Governance Framework and Political Economy of Public Investment Management (PIM) in Bangladesh, produced for World Bank in 2014
⇝Team leader of the Bangladesh chapter of the survey on State of Democracy in South Asia II, jointly organized by Asian Barometer of Taiwan University and CSDS Delhi (2011-2016)
⇝A survey on Citizen Charter in Bangladesh jointly conducted by University of Bergen, Norway and North South University, Bangladesh, 2010
⇝Developed a research report on “Finding out the Reform for Union Parishad: A Participatory Research on Standing Committees of Union Parishad” for Social Science Research Council (SSRC) of Planning Commission Bangladesh, 2010
⇝A survey on Citizen’s Trust on Public Services of Bangladesh jointly conducted by University of Bergen, Norway and North South University, Bangladesh, 2008
⇝Conducted a research on " Rethinking Institutional Strategy: Role of MPs (Member of Parliaments) in local development at Union Parishad Level", 2008
⇝Worked as the coordinator of the research team that conducted a research on "Local Government Finance" commissioned by Japan International Co-operation Agency (JICA),2007
⇝Worked as the team leader of two baseline surveys on “Monga Mitigation Initiative Pilot Program- II (MMIPP-II)” with Social Development Foundation and funded by World Bank, 2007
⇝Developed a strategy paper and module on “CCCD (Child Centered Community Development) approach and capacity development initiative for Union Parishad” with Plan Bangladesh, 2007
⇝Finalizing the “External Environment Analysis” of Country Strategy Paper (CSP) of Concern Bangladesh, 2007
⇝Worked as the team leader of the study titled “Impact evaluation on Monga Mitigation Initiative Pilot Program- II (MMIPP-II)” with Social Development Foundation and funded by World Bank, 2006
⇝Conducted a participatory research on “ The Rights and Livelihood Options of Fishermen in Some Restricted Hilsha Fishing Areas” for Manusher Jonno (MJ), 2006
⇝Conducted and Annual Client Satisfaction Survey through Report Card method for Chars Livelihoods Program (CLP) of DFID, 2005
⇝Developed a policy analysis and policy advocacy manual for the small scale enterprises with the support of ITDG, 2005
⇝Developed a part of the manual on “Human Rights and Governance” for Mahusher Jonno (MJ) jointly with Empowerment through Law of the Common People (ELCOP), 2004
⇝Developed a training module on "Governance and Public Finance Issues : A New Challenge for Rights Based Approach" for the partner organizations of ActionAid Bangladesh, 2004
⇝Conducted a study on “ Banning of Rickshaw from some major routes of Dhaka City: Its Impact on the Livelihood of Rickshaw puller Community” with the collaboration of Research Initiatives Bangladesh (RIB), 2003
⇝Conducted a research and advocacy work on “Government Policy on Hilsha Catching: Effects on the Livelihood of Fishing Community” with the partnership of ActionAid Bangladesh, 2003
⇝Developed a strategic plan (on the basis of action research) for the partners of DFID on the "Livelihood Component of Fourth Fisheries Project", 2003
⇝Worked as a consultant for formulating the strategy paper of Commonwealth Education Fund (CEF) on behalf of the lead agencies of CEF (i.e. Oxfam, Save the Children UK, and ActionAid Bangladesh), 2003
⇝Worked as an external researcher for a review on Accountable and Responsive Governance Campaign of Action Aid Bangladesh, 2002
⇝Conducted a basic research on domestic violence on behalf of partners of Academy for Education and Development (AED) program of USAID, 2002
⇝Conducted a research for CARE Bangladesh on " Exclusion from Education: Understanding the situation of bihari children at Saidpur town" 2002
⇝Worked as a research coordinator of the study titled " Perception of Governance: The Unheard Voices" commissioned by Manabik Shahajya Sangstha (MSS) 2002
⇝Research on Promoting Pro-poor Issues: Role of MPs and Major Political Parties in Bangladesh, 2001, for Action Aid Bangladesh
⇝Conducted a survey on the impact of hartal on the poor of Dhaka city, 2000, for Action Aid Bangladesh
⇝Conducted a Report Card Survey on Corruption in Primary Education, 2000, for Action Aid Bangladesh